Lunch Hanchan 1: A houou... and a familiar face?!?

This is how it begins! I went out for lunch and queued as usual after sitting down with my food. First thing I immediately notice is that a houou player has graced us with their presence and I'm motivated to steal their precious R points. Next, I notice my shimocha. For those not familiar, Propane is Butane on discords and an RL friend of mine. I immediately get a "HELLO", a ping and a "get out of my game" message on Discord, and all I can do is smile (because I can't really back out of the app to comment) and think "well, here we go!" because neither of us will pull any punches, but if either of us gets 4th there will be some words after.

Full paifu:

East 1:
A rather unremarkable hand. Pinfu iishanten starting from the tsumogiri 8s. Held the floating 5m for too long and got stuck with it and gave up the 9p pair to play it safe due to the number of times kamicha had tsumogiri'd. Paid 1k to kamicha as they were the only one tenpai. Kamicha was shabo on the dora for tanyao so safety paid off.

East 2:
So boring that I didn't even screenshot anything when I went to collect images for this post. Butane riichis on turn 5 and houou riichis on turn 8. They battle, we fold and toimen tsumos 4 han pinfu for 1300/2600.

East 3:
I started with 2s dora and haku pair, so I'm pretty excited about this hand. The manzu shapes have developed nicely in the first few turns as the haipai was only 779m. On turn 7 I pick up iipeikou by drawing a 6m, and also chiitoi iishanten. For the next few turns, I balance safety with good chiitoi waits, needing either 5 or 8s for tenpai on the 2s/haku shabo, or 6, 7s or pei for a chiitoi. I'm fully attacking at this point and not trying to defend against anything unless there's a riichi. None of these come and the hand is shut down by a tanyao nomi.

East 4-0:
I'd love some input on the length of time I held the 12m shape here. Should it have gone sooner? The draws for the first few turns were all cutting extra terminals and honors, but the turning point is possibly when I chose to cut 7m instead of 12m. In the end, it goes, and I try to match the speed of Butane with this call, which makes me furiten and atozuke. I get an opportunity with the 8s pon to get out of this horrible shape, and choose the 58p nobetan wait.

By the end, everyone has the same idea. We're all tenpai and nearly everyone's hand is locked down by the others. Given the other hands, I felt a little overly aggressive here. Thankfully all my draws were very safe in the last row, so I didn't have to worry.

East 4-1:
Not really sure what happened here. As is obvious my draws were giving me no reason to do much of anything but get out of the way with this early riichi. Kamicha disconnects for only one draw, but deals in.

South 1:
Over before it began, really. Toimen rons Butane for 3900 on turn 4 and I lose my last dealership without making a move.

South 2-0:
I had to fold this one due to dealer opening and another turn 5 riichi. Paid 1500 as toimen also folded.

South 2-1:
Big oof... this was a hand with some nice shapes. Butane took the atozuke chun dora wait and got the tsumo before I was able to get into tenpai. At this point I haven't dealt in, but I'm also yakitori and in 4th and it's south 2 and I've got no deal left.

South 2-2:
The south magic sand started for me on this hand. 4 pairs of simples by the 2nd turn, so I'm hoping for a tanyao chiitoi or, as my pairs are adjacent in pinzu, an iipeikou chance to come my way.

I get a very quick chiitoi tenpai, which I am content to dama as it gets me out of 4th. I took the more outer tile on instinct and cut 6m. I don't like this wait because kamicha is doing something sketchy. I decided I would change the wait to a different suit if I don't lose tanyao, but no better tiles came and I got the tsumo mid-second row.

South 3:
Suddenly blessed by the tiles, I pair the dora on the first turn and get a good wait dora 2 tenpai on turn 4. We're all in! It takes some time, but the tsumo comes 9 draws later for a mangan.

South 4:
It's all last, and the dealer is trying to make a move. I consider myself to be a rather poor player of all last when the dealer is the one in 4th, so thoughts and comments especially welcome here. I got into tenpai with overkill, a dora pon:

Butane was spared the wreckage by getting rid of those 3s before I got tenpai. In the end I'm not sure what I should have done. Outside of tenhou going for this level of value is probably worth it, but tossing the 6m at the dealer is rough. Add to that if Butane has an aka dora and I deal in then we're going into west with me as dealer.  Butane gets a 2k ron from 4th to secure second and I get the win. Shortly there after, I get a ping and an "i can accept this" message. Good game, Butane!

Comments and suggestions encouraged! Thanks for reading the first installment of the lunch hanchan series.
