Lunch Hanchan 2: JUST WIN A HAND, ANY HAND

This one started innocuously enough. No houous, no familiar faces. It was an exercise in patience and feedback, particularly at points where I might have been too passive, would be helpful.

Full paifu:

East 1:
This haipai is just nasty. Lots of kanchans, edge tiles, awkward triplet, a floater that can at least use the dora? My first draw is fourth 1p. I sit on the kan and not call it. A 5th turn riichi from my kamicha has me heading for the betaori hills. When I run out of safety (which is pretty early), I fold from the kan, the first passes and I'm good the whole way out. Loss of 1000 to kamicha.

East 2:
I'm not super thrilled about this garbage either. I've got a whole two blocks. The hand is 5-shanten.

Something possessed me (perhaps autopilot) to play this hand somewhat normally in spite of its shape. I was eyeballing the sixes in each suit as something to work around... perhaps sanshoku as fleeting as that seems.

For being a garbage haipai, this came together very quickly. Because I have the 0m, I choose to make a stand and cut the 6s for riichi. The hand plays out with a draw of another 1s and making an ankan while in riichi. After that, kamicha chases with a tsumogiri riichi. I'm holding on for dear life with this crappy kanchan wait, and then oya presumably runs out of safety and deals in 9p to kamicha for 3900 (no ura for them). Question for the masses: kamicha had pinfu dora. Why not make a stand with that right away? Perhaps looking for a quick 2k points because they are waiting on my genbutsu, but I'd be more aggressive with that.

East 3:
While I'm trying to figure out how to use the 3 dora I start with on this hand, I end up only making slight progress and deal into toimen's chun nomi.

East 4:
It's my deal, yay! I'm 4-shanten, boo!

I try to tackle this one fairly normally as I'm the dealer. I make slow progress, and the first riichi comes at turn 9 from my shimocha. Kamicha deals in ippatsu (a review shows they have sanankou dora 3 waiting on a ryanmen) so the push is understandable. We move to south and after looking at the game I think I dodged a bullet, although kamicha was waiting 25m and I had already rid myself of the 2 and had drawn another 5 when the round ended.

South 1:
I'm dealt another 4-shanten bomb and starting to get impatient with my haipai.

The draws however are in my favor and at this point I pivot to honitsu, which will be mangan. Should I have kept the 67m block for a faster hand that's cheaper?

I am able to pon both 1s and chun for a 2s/pei shabo. Toimen tsumos 1000/2000 and I'm officially in 4th now, and still yakitori.

South 2:
With my first draw making a yakuhai ankou, I feel I can take a stand in with this hand. Multiple players are pushing so I choose to riichi against them. It's 6400 on ron without ura, and a tsumo puts me in the lead.

This is another one of those where the pushers dealt into each other in short order and I only got a couple go arounds before the hand was over. I dodged a bullet not dealing in myself and a big weight was lifted as I got out of 4th through the dealer's unfortunate push:

South 3:
A riichi from shimocha has me folding since I'm still 2-shanten and only have a one dora. I draw another and trying to figure out ways to mawashi this, but staying out of 4th is more important right now. The mangan tsumo hits a turn later.

South 4:
I'm last dealer. I'm yakitori. Can I win a hand?

Frankly, I'm pleased with this hand. I can pon and I've got a really nice shape in sou. I have to play cautiously though because if I deal into mangan, I'm getting 4th.

Since my hand never got a solid pair, I ended up not calling when haku was tossed. I was not a fan of the pinzu shape because of toimen's obvious attempt at a honitsu, but since I drew into tenpai giving the sanmenchan wait, I went for the riichi. After a couple turns, toimen actually folds on 2s (maybe good read and hoping to try again on the renchan?) and kamicha is on a 58s wait themselves. They continue pushing with a bid to end the game, and deal a 2s, which I ron and win my first hand of the game in S4-0 for 7700.

To my shimocha, bless you and your dama.

Any time you get second place winning only a single sub-mangan hand is a blessing. As you can see from my tiles, I was 100% in to pon east and ditch one of the other pairs to go for 2900, which with honba bumps me into 2nd anyway. This was an unexpected way to get second, but I take all positive changes in placement even if they weren't crafted by me. This game tried every ounce of my patience, but I didn't have to battle many mental demons because I actually spent a fairly small amount of the game in last. Here's to the next one!
