This one was 18 hands, when it could have been much less. An ill-fated attempt to push and try to kill off my shimocha ended up giving them more points and the game dragged on and on. I was up and down as all of us besides kamicha tried to survive and fight for 2nd place. I'm sure some things were misplayed here, but a couple nasty tsumos (a haneman by nearly dead shimocha and a mangan from the huge point leader during my deal did not help my cause). A riichi battle where I was first to declare with a dora and a ryanmen wait where I was chased then dealt into 11600 wasn't even the nail in the coffin. I was able to claw my way back up to striking distance for second multiple times only to be tsumo'd back down to the abyss.
In all last, I got a nice pinfu 2 dora iishanten that I was planning to dama. A ron from 2nd or 3rd would get me out of 4th, and tsumo gets me second. Instead, I got this blog's namesake and the hand stayed ryanmen-ryanmen iishanten for 11 turns and ended up staying 4th when the dealer wasn't tenpai.
If I didn't have to go back to work...
For this one, the game is just too long to do a hand-by-hand summary with pictures. It was a painful one to play.
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In all last, I got a nice pinfu 2 dora iishanten that I was planning to dama. A ron from 2nd or 3rd would get me out of 4th, and tsumo gets me second. Instead, I got this blog's namesake and the hand stayed ryanmen-ryanmen iishanten for 11 turns and ended up staying 4th when the dealer wasn't tenpai.
If I didn't have to go back to work...
For this one, the game is just too long to do a hand-by-hand summary with pictures. It was a painful one to play.
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