This one was played on Majsoul in the Jade Room because everyone and their dog was out for some reason, and drive thrus were backed up so many cars that I started the match before I ordered food. That level of distraction, for me, is unacceptable for a Tenhou hanchan.
Full paifu:
East 1:
I got another lucky draw after refusing to cut the dora this late in the round to improve 79s into a 67 ryanmen. I riichi here with 8m. Why make more safe suji with 4s? The 8m gets called by oya who achieves tenpai on 47s, which I'm hoarding many of. Sadly for them, they don't even get a draw. My next draw is 3p and I get mangan with 9s also being ura.
South 4: At this point, I've had my food and I'm late getting back to work! I get this tenpai and decide the lead is enough to apply pressure with riichi:
3 of my tiles are in the dead wall, but even oya decides to fold and it goes to ryuukyoku. I get 3k and the game ends with a big 62200 point win. The tiles were very kind to me this game and I won a lot of faceoffs, I was able to get tenpai safely with calls and shifts for keiten multiple times, and my mistake in E3 was corrected by Lady Luck providing me that 6p for iipeikou and utilization of both doras. This was one of those games where you feel good, but definitely can find spots for improvement anyway! Those lessons are carried into the next game, where hopefully the mistakes will not be made in the first place, as sometimes the tiles aren't nearly this nice! Until the next game!
Full paifu:
East 1:
This shape for me in E1 seems favorable enough to call kan, so I take the initiative here. I had been holding the last haku for two turns when I drew it. The kan dora indicator matches the first, so the 5m is double dora. I draw the 8s a couple turns later, and opt for the 2m9p shabo wait, which gets dealt into on the 2m side after I tsumogiri a 1 and 3m, which might have masked the danger slightly. 5200 points!
East 2:
This pon is a bit uncharacteristic of me, but I'm the dealer, and I felt I would be able to outspeed my kamicha's calls here by taking the 3s and waiting for toitoi. I contemplated riichi on the previous turn, but I do not like the absence of the ton dora, and I was also greedy for a suuankou chance. My suspicion about the ease of winning this hand with the pon was correct, shimocha deals in with 2s immediately. 3900 points!
East 2-1 is a couple calls for keiten, and my draws don't force me to fold. I pick up 1500 as shimocha is also tenpai.
East 2-2 is a hand where I'm proud of dodging and yet still getting to tenpai with a winnable hand. I can't throw souzu due to the honitsu threat in the dora suit from shimocha.
Unfortunately, this 8m proves fatal for shimocha and deals into haitei dora 3. Quite unlucky as the hand was yakuless otherwise.
East 3: Show of hands, how many of us have thrown out a penchan, just to have the tile come in?
This one stung particularly hard, because it was a ticket to using the extra dora. I think the 9p was a mistake, but I have too many blocks, or the blocks are fat, like the 4456s... I'm not sure what I was thinking exactly. I was prepared to call any 58p to make a dash for tanyao, but in retrospect that is too far for this shape. I'm also incredibly on guard after this because kamicha calls haku and there are no chun in sight.
I never drew a chun, so I didn't have to worry about it, although I did rebuild this hand after I drew a very lucky 6p and got massively rewarded:
East 4: A turn 6 riichi from shimocha and I fold. The hand doesn't have enough value and it's too far to bother pushing with a lead against last place.
South 1: I manage to get to a tanki wait while defending against dealer riichi. I don't have to completely fold and I pick up 1500 points at ryuukyoku.
South 1-1: Dama pinfu dora derails oya's nasty yakuhai x3 honitsu toitoi tenpai. On review I'm lucky 8m didn't get me in trouble, but it's the only bad one I had to push.
South 2: Not much to report on this dealership. I void my hand of manzu on turn 6, because I have just a lone 4m at the beginning, and only drew 1 and 9 in the meantime. After that, nothing but manzu came, with 1124445699m in the discard. I don't reach tenpai despite my good shapes and the deal passes. An okay outcome considering my lead.
South 3:
South 4: At this point, I've had my food and I'm late getting back to work! I get this tenpai and decide the lead is enough to apply pressure with riichi:
3 of my tiles are in the dead wall, but even oya decides to fold and it goes to ryuukyoku. I get 3k and the game ends with a big 62200 point win. The tiles were very kind to me this game and I won a lot of faceoffs, I was able to get tenpai safely with calls and shifts for keiten multiple times, and my mistake in E3 was corrected by Lady Luck providing me that 6p for iipeikou and utilization of both doras. This was one of those games where you feel good, but definitely can find spots for improvement anyway! Those lessons are carried into the next game, where hopefully the mistakes will not be made in the first place, as sometimes the tiles aren't nearly this nice! Until the next game!
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