Lunchan 6: Salty Showdown

Hi readers and mahjong enthusiasts! It's been a while. I've been working from home about 75% of the time (my work is considered essential and it's impossible to do it all at home) so some days I'm not sure what day of the week it is, and lunch certainly doesn't happen on a designated break time. With that comes fewer lunchans. Add to that the growth of RiichiOut since my last post - it's really become an always on league with particpants on multiple continents now - and the tenhou games became fewer and fewer. This game was an attempt to recenter; I haven't played much with aka dora due to the RiichiOut ruleset and entered this game thinking there might be some adjustment pains.

Full paifu:

No weird houou surprises. R2000 is a little high for a 4d but as with any hanchan, you shouldn't over or underestimate anyone based on their rating.

East 1: A dealer pon of east while also pushing honitsu in the dora suit, plus a kamicha that's also pushing pretty heavily cause me to play extremely cautiously despite getting a haku ankou. Kamicha gets the tanyao dora 3 tsumo.

East 2: Just like the previous hand. Dealer is pushing with open haku and eventually chiis to show an aka dora. I can only see one dora, and it's likely the dealer has another based on discards. Also, toimen riichis. Once again, the hand isn't worth pushing, so it's time to fold. Toimen tsumos 1300/2600.

East 3: My deal. Unfortunately, I hold 6 blocks too long, and when I start trying to call for tenpai it's too late and I don't get there. Paid out the noten payment. Even with the 6 blocks in hand, the draws prior were unhelpful to advance. Only chiitoi would have been possible.

East 4: The hand develops some good tanyao pinfu shapes but gets stuck 2-shanten. Dealer riichis and late second row kamicha deals into toimen's hatsu nomi that is waiting on genbutsu.

South 1: I draw a live honor tile dora and in order to keep it I deal into 3900. Now I'm in 4th by myself. Up until now I've been tied with shimocha as we've been paying out equal tsumos and noten payments up until his E4 riichi then my deal in.

South 2: A dealer riichi prompts a fold. The hand goes to ryuukyoku, and this is the first renchan on of the game.

South 2-1: Finally a moment for aggression - let's look and analyze:

My thoughts: yes, toimen is scary with yakuhai dora pon. They aren't the dealer, the new dora (1s) is pretty much dead since 2 are out and the 2s is in the kan. I have 2 aka dora of my own and the chance for ura, kamicha has gifted me a chance to lose this 3s and riichi safely, and I don't believe toimen has a need for 4s, unless it's a shabo or kanchan (they are furiten on 47s and 14s is impossible due to the kan). Furthermore I'm already in possession of the red 5s. If everyone folds, I have a chance for tsumo, and even if I collect 3000 I'm out of last. Toimen was tenpai for 5s, and ended up drawing 7s again, and swapping from 46789s to 67789s to improve the wait and dealt into me for 5200. No ura, sadly.

South 3: My deal comes with a wonderful chance!

This wait is too good to do anything else. I miss the takame 1p, but tsumo 4p + 1 ura dora for 4000 all and I'm leading. When the game is fairly close things can shift in a hurry!

South 3-1: With this beautiful early aka 5p draw, I really just want to open for sanshoku since I already have all three aka dora. I cut the 4s from this to preserve the shape.

The wall and draws have others ideas. I've replaced my name plate with my thoughts on the exact moment the shit hit the fan:

This hand is clearly a mess now. 3m is probably safe? The 0m is hanging, unusable and not exactly safe to throw. The mahjong gods giveth a bounty of aka, then taketh away by awarding kans of the connecting tiles to the other players. The hand goes to ryuukyoku, and it's all last with me having a small lead.

S4: Once again we're in the dumb (I HATE IT) position of the player in 4th being the last dealer, so it's not as simple to just end the game. I tried to stop them but this is as far as I got:

Nothing here can be trusted other than the 5p. Dealing in and getting hit (none of the 1s dora are visible) could mean being in 4th for the next hand, or just in 4th outright if the hand hits some ura and gets to haneman. Hand goes to ryuukyoku with toimen and dealer tenpai.

South 4-1: Another chance at glory! The quick haku draw to make ankou in hand helps and I get a nice shape.

I can get tenpai on 345678m4567p. I can call any of these, but something leaving a ryanmen would be nice. It takes 6 turns to get anything. The salt was intensifying because I thought this would be easy. I chii the 4m and leave a 47p wait. Toimen also calls into tenpai. Then, I lose the win from this tsumo:

That 8s discarded first row? Not only is it haitei only, it's a furiten tsumo on a shabo.

I feel a little robbed, but considering I was tied last or in last alone more than half the game, we'll take the second place for a move in the right direction! It was a ride.

My conversations with people online have pretty much revealed the obvious: we all miss real tiles dearly. Please stay safe and healthy in the upcoming weeks and hopefully we'll be back to it soon! Until next time!
